Semmelweis University – BSc in Health Tourism Management in English

The University of Semmelweis rightfully deserves the title of "Research Elite University". The teaching and research activities of the University are recognized not only in Hungary but also internationally. Semmelweis University offers the opportunity to acquire complex, multidisciplinary professional knowledge in English, which provides a major advantage in the international labor market.

As such, the Faculty of Health Sciences of Semmelweis University will launch a 7-semester, full-time, BSc course in health tourism in English from September 2022.

What does health tourism management training offer?

 • A complex course of training that covers not only tourism but also the basics of the health profession.

 • The training is practice oriented. They are taught by recognized, successful professionals with extensive experience in their field.

 • Graduates can be placed in either fields of management of the healthcare sector or in areas related to tourism.

Semmelweis University’s health tourism management training is also available to international students. They can apply within the framework of the Stipendium Hungaricum Program or in the form of self-financing.

The application deadline for foreign students is: August 15, 2022

  Detailed information about the training is available in Hungarian:

Egészségturizmus-szervező specializáció – Egészségtudományi Kar (

 Detailed information about the training is available in English:

Health Care Management B.Sc. with Health Tourism Specialization – Faculty of Health Sciences (